Friday, December 11, 2015

The Supposed Break but not yet Apparently and Whatever

First of all, what's up with the title? (You all ask graciously) It clearly explains what's actually going on (points for attempt at justification~). A little backstory? Sure, lend me an ear. In September I started my practical training in an architecture firm, the period was supposed to be 14 weeks or around 3 months or so, and it was supposed to end on the 4th of December. I really feel for you working folk, waking up everyday at the same time, burning out 8 hours a day and 2 days a week being your only time to rest, it really takes a toll on you. It did me, anyways. And as do all careers involving content creation, you really have to put up with a lot of criticism, everything you do questionable, only to be justified by who else but yours truly. So when you come up with something less than what is expected of you, prepare to face the music. I can't really say much to the way you will be criticized, for before it was the same cycle for your boss, and his boss before that and her boss before that and you get the picture. That same vicious cycle continues on and you merely another part of it. What I did not expect was the fact that there was not really any form of relief that would intervene those horrid sessions.

A pose I find myself doing a lot lately

And that's where it differs from student life, as a student you have classes to attend, yes, but you are rapidly shifting from one subject to another based on your timetable (if not at least here in Malaysia) And, believe it or not, those actually help a lot at relieving stress. At least after a horrendous critique session, you get to go back, take a nap, eat and take some time to digest the advice before returning to rectifying your design. At work? Fat chance. if you are given the dreaded lecture in the morning, your boss would want to see it again in the afternoon. So like it or not, you're gonna have to cough something up and if that still isn't up to standard, you get the lecture again, albeit a bit toned down or even worse than before, depending on your state of management. (mine thankfully was the first not the latter). The next day, you still have to continue doing it, and that snowball is torturous. After a week or two of your endeavors, you might be rewarded with that "eureka" moment you've been hoping for, or your boss walking you through the process step by step (at that point, however, I thought if it were anywhere else, I would have been taken off of the project entirely) giving you the answer you've been looking for all along with a generous helping of disappointment, free of charge.

The thing that hits you more than work is disappointing nice people, and I've managed to do just that, a few times. For which I am at the complete mercy of my boss' goodwill, oh the hilarity of things.

Wait, what was this post supposed to be about? Oh yea, so after some talking with my parents, they thought it would be better for me to continue working even after the period has ended (much to my disappointment yet completely unsurprising) Because apparently I have nothing to do at home and I do not have to go back to studying in March and because apparently this semester is not like other semesters where I deserve that semester end break. Fight I did, and triumph, I did not. Not without a few minor victories though, I got to shorten that period to just the end of December.

Right? C'mon I need justification

Plus, if I had not done so, I wouldn't be able to complete my logbook (which is my fault) and I wouldn't be able to finish this:

A little project I'm working on hehe

The project that brought me so much heartache and suffering I thought about quiting a few times. Yet it's the only project I can truly call my own since I've worked on it from start to finish. With the input from several people including my boss, of course. I'm quite happy with it (or else you wouldn't be seeing this), though I wish the hall could be different but a deadline's a deadline. What is this? I'm not sure I can tell so this is the most I can show while still keeping things confidential. It's a community center of sorts, which explains the hall (on the right) and the office building (on the left). At the back there's a futsal court. I wanted to go for a tropical design, considering it's built in a tropical country. But there was a lot more I wanted done but I couldn't because of financial considerations.

The thing about anything that involves creation, you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment after completing a tough project. Which is understandable since you've wasted a month of your life building it from the ground up. And that feeling is your reward, the most sincere one, you can give yourself after all you've been through. A silver lining for you, and your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Something I could have never done if I had stopped working on the 4th. So for that I am thankful. Alhamdulillah! I look forward to my holiday at the end of December, the working experience is really something everyone should go through, mine made better surrounded by wonderful people. I'm also looking forward to being able to publish posts with more content as those do take more time. (although take this with a grain of salt, my previous posts a testament to how well I can keep my blog going)

The reason I'm writing this post is not to complain or show off, my first intention was to immortalize my experiences, the internet the best for that, an open diary that can never be lost for my future self, but also as a way to share what I have experienced, so that some may understand or so that some feel understood, having known someone has gone through what they are currently going through. And if you're that someone, this post my gift to you =) 

Sorry if this post was a bit too touchy feely for your taste. I appreciate you reading my blog and I promise I'll do my best to keep pushing out content!

Have fun and continue working! (heh, maybe not)

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