Monday, November 13, 2017

Maplestory Blitz - Hero and Card Guides (Mercedes)

Maplestory Blitz is this new mobile game, available on iOS and Android, made by Nexon that has been recently released to Malaysia, and seeing as though I can't find anything about recommended cards and Hero guides online, I've decided to do one myself. Gotta get something in there, know what I'm sayin'? I wanted to do a proper walkthrough of this game, but that would take longer a time, since I have to take screenshots and such, plus I really wanted to post this to help anyone out there because there are a few things you have to kinda learn as you get into the game. So in this post, I'll cover my findings on the various heroes and cards I've been able to test and my overall experience in the game. I'll do a proper walkthrough after this.

So if you're wondering how this game plays, its like Plant VS Zombies meets Hearthstone, that's the simplest way I can think of to describe it. It uses a card based system of summoning monsters and using skills and you're playing against another player in a game of tower defense. You can summon Monsters that will walk down the lane and attack anything in the path, the opponent can also do the same. All this happens in real time, so you really have to watch the game constantly, it isn't turn based. You can select one out of 5 heroes to play as for every game and the hero you select will determine your Hero Power and Skills available to use in the match, hence the "like Hearthstone" part. You can use these skills to defeat the opponent's monsters so that your monsters can attack the tower and so on. So here are the Heroes and my findings on them:

Mercedes is the first hero you're introduced to and rightfully so, she's one of the most well-rounded heroes in the roster and the easiest to understand. If you've played Hearthstone, she's very much like the Mage-Class. Most of her skills are very straight-forward and have very simple, yet useful effects.

Hero Powers:

You can access 3 different types of Hero Powers, the first unlocked instantly for you, the next unlocked at Level 4 and the last at Level 8.

Her first hero power is Swift Dual Shot:

A solid hero power, the finesse comes with its second effect, which, if timed properly can help you clean up fights. You can continue using this power even in the higher levels, having an ability that deals damage is useful in any fight.

Second hero power is Potential Power:

This hero power needs a little bit more planning, but really shines with monsters that gain bonuses when you increase their attack or HP. A good example is the Grizzly, which gains 3 attack every time you increase its HP, meaning the card always gets the attack bonus when you use it with this power.

Her third hero power is Sharp Aim:

This hero power can be good or bad depending on the deck you're using. It can possibly deal more damage than Swift Dual Shot but you'll have to wait a while for it to reach full effectiveness. However, due to the fast paced nature of the game, you should probably stick to Swift Dual Shot, 9 times out of 10.

Hero Specific Skill Cards:

When you first start off with Mercedes, you get 3 different skill cards and one monster card unique to your character.

The Bubbling is a good card overall, its stats aren't bad for the cost and the effect helps relieve lane pressure, definitely viable in any one of your Mercedes Decks.

Stunning Strikes does amazing single target, plus it stuns the target so it's best used when your monster is about to attack the enemy monster, you get to deal damage without worrying out your monster dying. All this from a 3 MP Cost card, use it in every deck and never leave home without it.

This card is quite optional, although it can synergize with any deck, it really shines when used properly. Use Elven Grace to buff your high level monsters and suddenly it becomes very hard to deal with that tank attacking your core. You have to make sure you get the most out of this card due to that 4 MP Cost which can set you back if you use it recklessly. Plus this card is easily countered by Oz and Phantom.

This is a really good card. Rolling Moonsault not only does higher damage than most other cards, it also stuns them after the monsters are hit so you can get so much out of this card. The MP Cost is appropriate and you can usually hit 1 monster in two lanes.

Monster clearing cards are the most useful and they can fit in any deck, so start off your Mercedes Deck with 3 Rolling Moonsaults and 3 Stunning Strikes. The other 2 cards are quite good so if you're looking for filler cards, they are good options.

I went poking around her other skill cards to see if any are useful enough. I'll start off with RARE Cards then move on to the EPIC Cards. Since I've been playing this game for free, I haven't been able to test rarer cards, but you can already achieve so much with RARE Cards and some EPIC Cards.

Worthwhile Rare Cards:

Spikes Royale will add to your waveclear while letting you save your Rolling Moonsaults for stronger enemies. 5 MP is quite high but it lowers the cost of all the other cards in your hand by 1 so it more than makes up for the cost. You only need 2 of the same card at any time, so you only need 100 Shards to make these. Just extract a LEGENDARY Card to get 900 shards, which should more than enough allow you craft all the rare cards you need.

Ancient Warding is an excellent card to use if you have a lot of monsters on field. Plus the area of effect can hit all 3 lanes if done properly. Given the fact that most spell cards deal around 20 damage, you're basically ensuring your monsters can survive one waveclear spell, forcing your opponent to burn more cards to deal with them.

Ignis Roar is not as useful as Ancient Warding, but for its MP Cost, it's good enough to nudge you to a quick victory with proper use. I wouldn't prioritize this card if you have limited shards but it's a good one to consider if you're looking to round off a deck. The area of effect is smaller than Ancient Warding so you'll only manage to buff monsters on 2 lanes, so keep that in mind.

Worthwhile Epic Cards:

Return to Elluel immediately returns one enemy monster that you target back into his deck. It's extremely useful of getting rid of high cost monster cards. You're basically making them waste the MP they've spent summoning that monster. Just be careful not to send a monster back when they have low health. I wouldn't call this card necessary to have but it's excellent in tough situations so if you have shards to spare, definitely consider this card.

Piercing Storm was one of those cards I managed to get from opening card packs and I must say that there were some situations where it really shined. Costing a measly 3 MP, you can hit monsters on all 3 lanes thanks to its unique targeting. You basically pick a path on the screen towards a direction and the arrow will fly from edge to edge, hitting any monster in its path. Not necessary but allows you to save Stunning Strikes and Rolling Moonsault for more pressing situations.

Rising Rush is a card I haven't been able to craft yet but just by reading its effect, I think I would have preferred it to Piercing Storm. The knockback is certainly useful when the monsters are attacking your core and it changes your hero power so you can get more use out of the card by using your Hero Power first then having it reset your Hero Power's cooldown!

I've read through the Hero Guides posted by the Admin in Maplestory Blitz and in all decks, the number of skill cards are 14. So that is a good number to start with, I tried it out and you really maximize the amount of monsters you can deal with without losing your own. My deck uses 3 Rolling Moonsaults, 3 Stunning Strikes, 2 Piercing Storms, 2 Return to Elluels, 2 Spikes Royales and 2 Ancient Wardings. The Admin posted decks to start out with but those involved Epic Cards and not everyone has the luck to craft those, so I thought I'd give you a step-by-step guide on which cards to look at first and slowly work yourself towards making that perfect deck~! Hope this helps. =D

I originally intended to post about all the classes here but seeing how long this one is, I'll just split them up into separate posts.

Have fun playing as Mercedes!!!

Other Classes:
Mercedes (You're reading this one)
Demon Slayer

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