Saturday, October 3, 2015

First Month into Practical Training

The first month into my practical training and I must say, work is one of the things I think about less often than other things. I'm happy that so far (emphasis on SO FAR), work is work and your life after that is up to you, segregation. It's nice when your boss and colleagues all treat you like you're still a human being. It's funny when you think about all those stories about bosses demanding their employees devote their whole life and soul to their job, when the very reason you've started working is to sustain your own life. Suddenly instead, your life revolves around work and everything else is secondary. SEGREGATION, please. So I'm thankful, alhamdulillah, that so far, I'm still a human in their eyes. *sniffs* And they also happen to be some of the nicest people I've met, humans are humans, they can never be perfect, but I'm glad when you boil everything down, at the end of the day, the one thing I can truly say is that, these are nice people I'm working with.

And that's that, I think about work at work, not to mean that I turn everything off at home, but I don't feel obliged (forced) to continue working after I get back home. Which is way different in university, the lecturers demand that you work constantly, I wonder how I'll do when I get back there to continue my semester 7 and 8. Maybe its also because I'm not taking any other subjects? (We have to do our research papers while we do practical training). Which brings me to what I think about mostly, how working changes people, I mean, I've only just started a month ago and I'm just doing my practical training (which is different as I've been reminded constantly) but there's something about spending 8 hours straight with a one hour break for lunch that really tires you out. Not sure why though. The first two weeks, I would fall asleep after I got back from work.Thankfully by the third week I've adjusted to the new timetable , but it still takes a toll on you, cause I can't seem to make it past 12 midnight without my eyelids starting to close without permission.

But that's not the worst part, oh no, the worst part is that, since you start work early in the morning, you start looking forward to weekend mornings! Seriously, I was shocked, as soon as work on Friday ended, the only thing I could think of was how I was going to spend my weekend mornings having a good breakfast. Which reminds me, you'd think sitting at the desk all day without exercise would make you less hungry but what happens is otherwise, you have so many reasons to feel hungry now. You feel bored, what should you eat? You feel stressed out, any comfort food? Need to stretch you legs? Maybe I'll go down and get something to eat. And being sedentary does not help. I vowed to start exercising but we all know a promise to yourself will never go any further than just making you feel guilty of the way you're living from time to time. ANYWAYS, I actually looked forward to waking up early. When you days are limited to two, you really start trying to make the most of them.

Which brings me to my blabber for this post, a sudden realization, not the first of its kind, but a first for my mind, remember how we cared so much for sleeping in and that 9 o'clock was too early a time to get up from bed?  Well, since you wake up early all the time for work, you just kind of get used to waking up early. On top of that, add the guilt you would feel if you slept in because you just wasted one of your weekends. Plus, you're too tired to ever stay up, so instead of the teenager sleep late, wake up late routine, it changes to sleep early, wake up early. So actually your parents are just like us, but because they've started working, they're forced to become morning people. I remember my parents talking happily when we go out for breakfast and I would just keep quiet, secretly wondering how could anyone be happy waking up this early, god, even their eyes are wide open whereas mine can barely STAY open. Parents, you were just like us, but the evil nature of work has forced you to adapt and you became the people you are today. The people teenagers hate because they wake up early and drag those sleepy teenagers to have breakfast with them. I FINALLY UNDERSTAND.

But it still does not explain the fact that they persist going for breakfast when its clearly raining and the weather's perfect for sleeping! Or maybe I just haven't worked enough?

All I could muster to keep this blog afloat...

Have a good one and enjoy (and appreciate) weekends better!

Here's a picture of a cat if this post bored you, also an accurate representation of myself when I can finally lie down when I get back from work (oops, sorry practical trai- who am I kidding it's work)

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